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Perishable Live Arrival Guarantee

Since 2009: The Industry Standard Guarantee! ♥

Temporary Exception / Delay Notice

A temporary exception to typical order processing times is in effect. Please check the Updates Page for expected order processing times before contacting us for order updates. Every minute counts, and our whole team is working to pack & ship orders ASAP! We are unable to honor requests for rushed processing, order add-ons, or special order modifications at this time.

Weather Related Exception / Delay Notice

A weather event may impact order processing times. Please check the Updates Page for expected order processing times.

Select Store Policy View:

Live Arrival Guarantee:

New to NEHERP? Please read this before ordering! ♥

All perishables to all locations can qualify for our live arrival guarantee, but require the correct shipping method to be selected during checkout to qualify.

Terms To Qualify:

1) A guaranteed shipping method must have been chosen. (Based on temperature)
2) The box must have been accepted at the location on the first attempt.
3) Photos of damaged or questionable items must be sent within 12 hours of arrival

How To Submit A Claim:

1) Send photos of any damage to
2) Include your name, order number, and a list of damaged or questionable item(s)
3) We'll get back to you within 1 business day during service hours

Please email: Don't call, text, or send social media messages for LAG claims! ⚠

What's Covered:

We make the claims process super easy. If a product arrives damaged while meeting the terms covered by our live arrival guarantee, store credit or free replacements (customer's choice) will be offered for any guarantee-covered perishables. Orders with items totaling $30 or more qualify for free replacement shipping. Orders under $30 may have free replacements included with a future order, or after covering a shipping fee.

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