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About Our Brand:

Custom Vivarium Supplies By NEHERP Animal Safe Plants Grown By NEHERP NEHERP Supplies Manufactured and Grown In USA The Professional Bioactive Terrarium Supply Brand

We've been developing tried-and-true terrarium specialty supplies since 2009, and continue to release new and innovative products our clients can depend on every year. Every department from Plants to Microfauna, and Hard Supplies is dedicated to producing the absolute highest quality products available. Whether you'll be creating a large commercial exhibit, or simply building a quick & easy live environment for display at home, our company creates unique specialty supplies to help get the job done right. In short, our goal is to ethically bring a piece of the wilderness indoors, and make the wildlife folks care for as comfortable as possible. When it comes time to use our supplies, rest assured that our family owned business is always happy to help with 1-on-1 support. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to contact us!

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