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Food For Insects & Other Invertebrates

The best diets for Springtails, Isopods, Dubias, Crickets & More

Fluker's Cricket Care Products

Best-selling Fluker's cricket care lineup!

Fluker's Cricket Foods & Liquids
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Fluker's High Calcium Cricket Diet (Tan)
Manufacturer Description:
Fluker's High-Calcium Cricket Feed is a premium formula designed for "gut-loading" crickets to increase their vitamin/mineral content prior to offering them as prey to your pet. This allows insect-eating pets to benefit not only from the nutritional value of the insect itself, but from the insect's nutrient-rich gut content as well. Feed as the primary source of food to crickets and most other feeder insects. The insects can be maintained on the diet until the time comes to feed them to your pet. To ensure optimal nutrition and calcium intake, feed the insects to your pet on the day after they've consumed the diet. Feed should be stored in a well-ventilated, dry area protected from rodents and insects. Feed is perishable. Do not feed moldy or insect-infested feed as it may cause illness or death.
Fluker's Cricket Quencher (Blue)
Manufacturer Description:
Fluker's Cricket Quencher Original Formula provides crickets and other feeder insects with a safe, clean water source in a convenient gel form that eliminates the problems of traditional watering methods - such as drowning and bacterial contamination. Place a small amount of product in a shallow dish in insects' cage. Refill as needed. There is no need to provide an additional water source.
Fluker's Cricket Quencher + Calcium (Yellow)
Manufacturer Description:
Fluker's Cricket Quencher with Calcium provides crickets and other feeder insects with a safe, clean water source - as well as offering a good source of calcium for "gut-loading" insects prior to feeding them to your reptile. Place a small amount of product in a shallow dish in insects' cage. Refill as needed. There is no need to provide an additional water source.
+ Calcium
Cricket Diet (Tan)
$3.79/ea 11.5oz Jar
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Crude Protein minimum 20.00%, Crude Fat minimum 5.00%, Crude fiber maximum 9.00%, Calcium (Ca) minimum 8.00%, Phosphorus (P) minimum .60%, Salt (NaCI) minimum .25%, Salt (NaCI) maximum .75%
+ Calcium
Cricket Quencher Original (Blue)
$3.99/ea 16oz Jar
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Crude Protein (not less than) 1.80%, Crude Fat (not less than) .08%, Crude Fiber (not more than) 1.81%, Moisture (not less than) 97.49%
+ Calcium
Cricket Quencher + Calcium (Yellow)
$4.49/ea 16oz Jar
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Crude protein (not less than) 0.24%, Crude fat (not less than) 0.00%, Crude fiber (not more than) 1.39%, Moisture (not less than) 96.85%, Ash (not more than) 0.91%

Repashy Bug Burger (Insect Diet)

The complete bug diet we rely on most at NEHERP

Repashy Bug Burger
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Manufacturer Description:
A complete Diet for Crickets, Roaches, and other Insects. This premix makes up to 15 one cup size blocks of finished gel per pound (16oz) of formula. This premium diet feeds AND hydrates insects, eliminating the need for dry feed and standing water. Its nutrient rich formula is fortified with Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamins, and Carotenoids. View guaranteed analysisext link.
NEHERP Staff Description:
Repashy Bug Burger is our "go-to" choice for feeding Isopods, Crickets, and feeder Roaches. Our Isopods especially love Bug Burger, and we've been successfully using it (and Repashy Morning Wood) as a staple for our Isopods for years. A little goes a long way with Repashy products, with every three ounces of powder making 1.25 pounds of gel diet! To make a batch, we mix a 3:1 ratio of water:powder, and microwave it. Once it's boiling we pull it out, let it cool, and refrigerate it until needed. Finished gel will keep for up to 2 weeks in the fridge, or up to 6 months in the freezer.
3oz 6oz 12oz
$8.38/ea 3oz
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3oz 6oz 12oz
$14.49/ea 6oz
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3oz 6oz 12oz
$18.49/ea 12oz
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Repashy Morning Wood (Isopod Diet)

A high quality complete Isopod diet

Repashy Morning Wood
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Manufacturer Description:
Our Calcium Fortified, Super Firm, Long Lasting Formula for Isopods, Springtails, and other detritus feeding insects. Guaranteed Analysis: Crude Protein min. 20%, Crude Fat min. 3%, Crude Fat max. 5%, Crude Fiber max. 50%, Moisture max. 8%, Ash max. 15%.
NEHERP Staff Description:
We alternate between Repashy Bug Burger + Morning Wood at every other feeding for our primary Isopod cultures. This varied diet has proven to be incredibly beneficial to our colonies, and we're confident your Isopods will love it too! A little goes a long way with Repashy products, with every three ounces of powder making 1.25 pounds of gel diet! To make a batch, we mix a 3:1 ratio of water:powder, and microwave it. Once it's boiling we pull it out, let it cool, and refrigerate it until needed. Finished gel will keep for up to 2 weeks in the fridge, or up to 6 months in the freezer.
3oz 6oz
$12.49/ea 3oz
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3oz 6oz
$18.49/ea 6oz
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Springtail Diet

A protein & nutrient-rich diet for Springtails

Brewers Yeast In Bulk Brewers Yeast For Fly Media And Pet Food
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NEHERP Staff Description
This has been our one and only complete Springtail diet for 10+ years now, and we've never found a product to work more reliably or effectively. Our 100% natural Brewer's Yeast works great, and won't attract or carry unwanted organisms like Fungus Gnats, Mites, or Phorid Flies. (Unlike rice, fish flakes, fruits, veggies, and other complex diets!) To use, simply sprinkle a light dusting over a Springtail culture, then mist lightly with water. Repeat the process once it's been devoured. For more info on how to work with Springtails, check out our Springtail Care Article.
The product is made from the dried cells of a fungus called Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is a natural byproduct of brewing tasty beverages. (Thus the name!) It contains beneficial goodies like B-vitamins, chromium, iron, magnesium, potassium, protein, selenium, zinc, and more. Guaranteed analysis: 35% Protein, 1% Fat, 1.5% Fiber. Contains 100% pure Brewer's Yeast. Not marked for human consumption.
$4.99/ea 1lb
On Sale Now!
20% Off!
$3.99/ea 1lb
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